Trondheim Kortbaneklubb - wants you at skating school APRIL 2024

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The skating school includes 4 ice sessions with instructors and skate hire.

The children learn basic skating skills and no prior knowledge is necessary. All instructors have extensive experience with skating training.

Dato: 03.04.2024 (uke 14) - 24.04.2024 (uke 17)
Time: Wednesdays 17:30 - 18:15
Place: Leangen ishall (Ungdomshallen)
Price: NOK 400 (includes skate rental) + NOK 100 for membership 2024 for new members (this amount will be invoiced separately)
Age: From 3 years and up (We have loaner skates from size 28)
Deadline: Registration is open until the course is full.
Any questions should be sent to:
We wish everyone a warm welcome to a new round of skating school. Information about start-up will be sent out on Monday week 14 from Check your junk mail if you have not received an email from us.
Greeting Trondheim Kortbaneklubb